Regional Festivals within EOFed
EOFed Eastern European regional orchestra festival
on 4-7 July 2024 in Košice (Slovakia) and Budapest (Hungary)

The EOFed Eastern-European Regional Orchestra Festival 2024
We are so proud to have organized two great festivals this year, facilitating our members to travel, meet, share experiences, listen to each other and have fun together. Both the organisational logistical matters and the warm and collaborative atmosphere created have been highly praised.
Five countries were represented with nine high level orchestras and almost 350 musicians. The event was organized by EOFed members: - a Slovakian orchestra (Musica Iuvenalis) and St Stephen Youth SO from Budapest. There were also many ambassadors present in the festival concerts.
In addition, three strong adult amateur string orchestras (Pecs Strings and Janos Lavotta Chamber Orchestra from Hungary and one of EOFed’s new members - Edevart Orchestra from Slovakia) attended. Participants also included a sizeable university orchestra from Belgium, (65-members Louvain-le-Neuve Student Symphony Orchestra), who played Nielsen Symphony No.1 and other classics; a large youth orchestra St Stephen Youth Symphony Orchestra from Budapest) with almost 80 members and two good level youth orchestras (Viljandi Youth Symphony Orchestra and Tallinn Music School Symphony Orchestra from Estonia and String Orchestra Musica Iuvenalis from Slovakia).
The very unique Tamburas Orchestra Rapsodija from Croatia showcased the Tambura (mandolin/guitar), which is the Croatian national instrument. This very authentic orchestra of young people sounds like a symphony orchestra and demonstrated musicality, flexibility and an excellent choice of repertoire.
There were six concerts in all, with four in Slovakia. The opening gala concertos were held in a very successful venue with fine acoustics in Košice State Philharmonia Hall and in te Premonstratsian church, in the main square of Košice. Two of the concerts were performed in small places with a real village atmosphere, Bohdanovce and Kechnec to a very warm and appreciative audience, for whom this was their first experience of a symphony orchestra concert.
There were standing ovations and after concert celebrations with a reception from local leaders.Two concerts took place In Budapest in St Stephen Music House and in the concert hall of St Imre Gymnasium. The orchestras played really varying, interesting music including the classics, but also presented local national music, film music and folklore arrangements. It can be quite challenging to draw a local audience In Eastern Europe, but the concerts were well attended and also gave the orchestras an opportunity to listen to each other which is so important.
Besides the music, there was also time for some fun activities, including a hike on the first day in the High Tatras mountains and city excursions in Košice and Budapest. There was a very enjoyable opening party and buffet with disco in Košice Philharmonia and a celebratory final party in Budapest at St Imre School where there was an opportunity to learn local Hungarian folk dances taught by a local folklore band. The accommodation at the student hostel of the local University in Košice and the Meininger hotel in Budapest also provided safe spaces for the musicians to socialise and enjoy their free time. We are very thankful to the volunteers from the local hosting orchestras who organised the excursions, the rental instruments and the meals.

Eurochestries Baltic Youth Symphony Orchestras Festival in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia 13-18 April 2024.
This festival will be organised in cooperation with the European Orchestra Federation
Concerts will be held in different places and among them the European Capital of Culture of 2024 - Tartu, Estonia
A stunning total of over 1400 musicians will perform in all the Balitc countries in 15 concerts in total. Main goal is to give orchestras opportunities to perform and to listen to other orchestras in an international festival. A special international orchestra will be created, an orchestra from France will be guest of the festival together with a few players from Ukraine.
More information about this regional festival you can find below. Please use the arrows to the right of the header to see the text.